애플 FY2020 Q1 : 실적에서 생각해야 할 것들(+EPS, PER, 자사주매입)
Apple(NASDAQ:AAPL) 애플 FY2020 Q1 실적 분석 Apple’s CEO Tim Cook said, "During the holiday quarter our active installed base of devices grew in each of our geographic segments and has now reached over 1.5 billion. We see this as a powerful testament to the satisfaction, engagement and loyalty of our customers — and a great driver of our growth across the board." Apple’s CEO Tim Cook said, 애플 ceo 팀쿡이 말..
2020.02.11 -
마이크로소프트(NASDAQ:MSFT)의 자사주매입에 관한 생각.
마이크로소프트가 분기 배당을 늘리고 자사주 매입을 한다는 뉴스가 나왔습니다. https://news.microsoft.com/2019/09/18/microsoft-announces-quarterly-dividend-increase-and-new-share-repurchase-program/ Microsoft announces quarterly dividend increase and new share repurchase program - Stories Annual shareholders meeting set for Dec. 4, 2019 REDMOND, Wash. — Sept. 18, 2019 — Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday announced that its board of dire..